The FPA, as an AISBL under Belgian law, has certain obligations with respect to financial record keeping and reported. We follow the rules for a micro-AIBSL using simplified accounting.
A detail description of these rules is published by the Commission des Normes Comptables. We are primarily interested in Annexe 8 : Schéma des comptes annuels des associations et fondations qui tiennent une comptabilité simplifiée
While we are not required to use formal double entry accounting, we do so in the interests of transparency.
Transaction Processing
Turning data from financial service providers into double entry accounting transactions.
A number of Python scripts that reduce manual data entry are available in the FPA Github repo
Making Payments
How to spend the FPA’s money.
- FPADF Grants
- Expense Reimbursement
- OpenCollective Payouts
- BountySource Payouts
- PayPal Payouts
- BNP Payouts